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Customer feedback
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7 Reasons to Connect Customer Feedback to the Frontline

AskNicely Team
September 10, 2023
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Do your frontline teams have access to real-time customer feedback? If the answer is no, in just a few minutes, after reading this article, you’re gonna wanna make that answer a yes. Despite being one of the most effective methods to achieve consistently awesome customer experiences, the majority of service businesses, from healthcare, to insurance to home services, don’t provide their customer-facing teams with consistent feedback from their customers, leaving their employees left in the dark with generic and inconsistent CX training. 

Ultimately, we can’t expect our frontline teams to deliver world class experiences without connecting them to feedback. It’s like trying to get an athlete to the Olympics without a coach. So here’s 7 reasons why you should get onto connecting feedback to the frontline ASAP. 

1. Real-Time Learning and Improvement

Customer feedback provides real-time insights into what's working and what needs improvement – in the moment. By sharing feedback directly with frontline staff, they can immediately learn from customer experiences, adjust their approach, and enhance customer interactions on the spot, and for future customers. 

Imagine a hotel receptionist receiving feedback from a guest who found the check-in process confusing and time-consuming. The guest drops their feedback a day or so into their stay. Armed with this real-time feedback, the frontline employee can find ways to streamline the check-in process for future guests, and can inform the next guest about the improvements. They could also add special touches to the current guest’s stay to make it up to them, for example a free room service, or a discount to the hotel’s spa. These are the moments of magic that turn customer frowns upside down. 

2. Empowerment and Ownership

It’s about time we put more trust into our frontline teams. When frontline employees have access to customer feedback, they feel a greater sense of ownership over their roles. Empowered staff are more likely to take initiative, resolve issues creatively, and provide exceptional service that goes beyond the ordinary.

Consider a dental clinic where the dental hygienist has access to customer feedback. Many patients note that the waiting room lacks reading material, making the wait feel longer. The dental hygienist, taking ownership of enhancing the patient experience, decides to create a small library corner with magazines and educational dental brochures. Patients are pleasantly surprised during their next visit, and some even find useful information on oral hygiene. This proactive response not only improves the clinic's atmosphere but also demonstrates how empowered employees can contribute to a more satisfying dental care experience for patients. 

3. Enhanced Accountability

Connecting feedback to the frontline isn't just about improving service; it's about holding everyone accountable. When your staff know that customer feedback is like a spotlight on their performance, they bring their A-game every day, 

Let's imagine a call center where customer service representatives are regularly evaluated based on customer feedback surveys. One representative receives feedback from a customer who was dissatisfied with a recent interaction due to a lack of follow-up on a service request. Recognizing that their performance is directly tied to this feedback, the representative takes immediate action. They reach out to the customer, apologize for the oversight, and ensure that the service request is promptly addressed. This commitment to accountability not only resolves the customer's issue but also showcases the representative's dedication to improving their performance, ultimately benefiting both the customer and the company's reputation.

4. Personalized Customer Interactions

Customer feedback provides valuable insights into individual preferences and pain points. Armed with this information, frontline employees can personalize interactions, making customers feel valued and understood.

For example, consider a credit union that regularly collects feedback from its members. One member consistently mentions in their feedback that they are interested in financial planning services to help them save for their child's education. A proactive credit union representative, armed with this insight, reaches out to the member with personalized financial planning recommendations during their next visit to the branch. The member is pleasantly surprised that the credit union not only listens to their financial goals but also takes steps to assist in achieving them, resulting in a more tailored and meaningful banking experience that aligns with their needs and aspirations. 

5. Immediate Recovery Opportunities

Negative feedback is like a phoenix rising from the ashes. It's a chance for redemption. When your frontline staff can swoop in and address a dissatisfied customer, they turn a potential critic into a raving fan.

Say a homeowner submits feedback stating that after a recent pest treatment, they still noticed some pest activity in their home. Upon receiving this feedback, the technitian immediately contacts the homeowner to apologize for the inconvenience and schedules a follow-up pest inspection and treatment at no extra cost. The technician arrives promptly, identifies and addresses the issue, and also provides additional tips on pest prevention. In this case, the company's quick response to negative feedback not only resolves the homeowner's concern but also demonstrates their commitment to customer satisfaction and effective pest control. The homeowner, initially dissatisfied, becomes a loyal advocate for the pest control business due to the attentive service recovery efforts.

6. Valuable Feedback Loop

Your frontline staff are on the front lines of customer interactions. They often witness customer sentiment firsthand. By looping this feedback back to management and decision-makers, you can fine-tune your strategies and make informed business decisions.

For example, consider a physiotherapy clinic where therapists get access to real-time feedback. One recurring theme is that patients express a preference for alternative therapy techniques such as aquatic therapy for their specific conditions. The clinic's therapists compile this feedback and share it with the clinic's management. Upon receiving this feedback, the clinic's management decides to invest in an aquatic therapy program and hire a specialized therapist. This strategic decision not only caters to patient preferences but also expands the clinic's service offerings, attracting new patients seeking aquatic therapy. It highlights the value of the feedback loop between frontline staff (therapists) and upper management in shaping the clinic's treatment options and overall strategy, ultimately leading to improved patient care and business growth.

7. Cultivation of Customer-Centric Culture

A customer-centric culture starts from the ground up. When employees see that their actions directly impact customer satisfaction, they're more likely to adopt a customer-first mindset that permeates every aspect of your organization.

Consider a major airline with a commitment to improving the passenger experience. After a long-haul flight, a passenger submits feedback commending a flight attendant for going above and beyond to make their journey comfortable, even in challenging circumstances. The airline's management not only acknowledges this feedback but also shares it company-wide, emphasizing how the flight attendant's exceptional service directly contributed to the airline's positive reputation. Other staff members are inspired by this recognition and begin focusing on providing outstanding service to passengers.

Over time, this culture of valuing customer feedback and recognizing employee contributions to passenger satisfaction becomes deeply ingrained in the airline's DNA. It influences how employees approach their roles and interactions, fostering a strong customer-centric culture that ultimately leads to increased passenger loyalty and the continued success of the airline.

How to Make It Happen

Implementing feedback sharing doesn't require rocket science. Here's a simple recipe for success:

Real-Time Feedback Sharing: Use technology to share real-time feedback with your frontline staff. It's like giving them a backstage pass to the customer experience show.

Feedback Training: Provide training to help frontline staff interpret feedback constructively. Teach them how to glean actionable insights from customer comments.

Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular meetings or huddles to discuss customer feedback trends and share success stories. This keeps the importance of customer experience at the forefront of their minds.

Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledge and celebrate instances where frontline staff have turned negative feedback into positive experiences. This encourages a culture of continuous improvement.

In short, connecting customer feedback to the frontline is a game-changer for any business that values exceptional customer experiences. It empowers employees, enhances accountability, and cultivates a customer-centric culture that sets you apart in the eyes of your customers. By making customer feedback an integral part of your frontline staff's daily routine, you're not only improving customer satisfaction but also laying the foundation for becoming a customer experience pro. 

AskNicely Team
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AskNicely Team

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