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Customer experience
8 min read

Customer Experience Masterclass III: Empowering and Rewarding the Frontline

AskNicely Team
November 6, 2022
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Did you hear? We have launched a series of free masterclasses that will give you the skills, knowledge, and techniques you need to build a world-class frontline team that delivers phenomenal customer experiences. Whether you’re a CX leader, frontline manager, high level executive or service business founder, there’s a ton of wisdom, knowledge and practical skills for you to gain, for free! In this blog series, we’ll take a deep dive into what the courses are all about, and why you should get involved. 

An Empowered Frontline Team

The definition of empowerment is having the knowledge, confidence, means or ability to do things or make decisions for oneself. An empowered frontline worker is one who takes pride and responsibility over the customer experience, is highly motivated and has the confidence and autonomy to make quick decisions. The difference between an empowered frontline worker and a disengaged employee isn’t inherent, it’s the product of the environment they work in. This masterclass teaches service brands how to create an environment where frontline employees feel valued, appreciated and empowered to deliver awesome customer experiences, every time. 

About the Course 

The good news is, empowering and rewarding the frontline doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, it’s rather simple. This masterclass will teach you the proven, simple methods to recognize your teams in a way that they will value and bring long term results to your customer experience. You’ll learn the unwritten rules for effective empowerment and reward, and gain a firm grasp on the behavioral science behind it all. 

You’ll Learn…

  • How to empower your teams and ensure that they use this power to create even better customer experiences.
  • The psychology necessary to work in an environment where individuals are treated as autonomous and capable individuals.
  • Techniques for showing genuine gratitude and appreciation. 
  • How to develop a unique and revered reward programme. 

Walk The Walk 

Part of the course is gaining practical tools and techniques to implement your knowledge. Don’t just learn how to talk the talk, but walk the walk, too. 

These tools and techniques include: 

  • A guide to the use of a psychological contract with new staff and project teams.
  • Quizzes on empowerment and recognition.
  • Practical recommendations for internal and external recognition. 
  • Advice on what not to do with reward and recognition!

Click here to review the full course curriculum. 

This Masterclass Is For You If…

Want to Improve Growth Metrics

The 2022 State of Frontline Work Survey conducted by Metrigy found that two thirds of the customer experience is impacted by things delivered directly by the frontline. Frontline empowerment and reward has been shown to motivate teams, give meaning to work and ROIs and referral rates. In fact, surveyed businesses with frontline satisfaction programs in place saw a 25% increase in revenue improvement, a 64% increase in employee efficiency improvement and a 74% increase in customer satisfaction improvement. 

Have Two Hours Per Week to Spare

All you need is 2 hours a week! During this 4 week long course, you’ll participate in online forum discussions with your new network, read and watch course material and leverage your newfound skills and tools. 

Are Ready to Take Action…

This isn’t your typical online course. With these masterclasses, you'll explore and solidify your identity and skills as an adaptive, transformative leader ready to take action to make frontline work awesome!

Why Should I Join? 

Great question. Put simply, there are no other courses like this designed for leaders like you! You will gain the skills and understanding of why it is important to invest in the frontline and how to do it in a way that maximizes business impact. If you are open to exploring new ways of leading your frontline teams and you're a real advocate for making frontline work awesome, this program is right for you. And best of all - you will find fellow learners who believe in it as much as you do!

Secure your spot here. 

AskNicely Team
About the author

AskNicely Team

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