Customer Story

How Aptive delivers exceptional service every time

Customer Story

How Century Fire turned negative feedback into a $1.2 million deal

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Written by
AskNicely Team
Published on
Jan 27, 2024

Aptive Environmental is the fastest growing pest control company in the world, on a mission to disrupt their industry with superior customer experience. Founded in 2015, Aptive entered the market with one key objective; to provide a stellar service that makes homes everywhere safer, more secure, and free of pests and problems

“You and your family (whatever that family looks like) are at the center of our service, and your comfort is our top priority. Sure, we’re a pest control company, but we’re, above all, a family business,” said Aptive co-founder David Royce.

From day one, co-founders David Royce and Vess Pearson invested heavily in their frontline team, knowing it was the key to winning on customer experience. As a result, they’ve built strong relationships with their team, an awesome company culture and a reputation for having expert technicians that nail it every time.

“Our growth truly comes from one source: creating the Aptive difference. Everything we do, from sales to services must provide a markedly different experience than you’ve ever had. We pride ourselves on our relentless pursuit to provide you comfort. You’ll feel that with every touchpoint, service, and re-service you have with us.”

However, it hasn’t always been smooth sailing. In the beginning, Aptive struggled with inconsistent service delivery. Members of their frontline team had different ideas of what exceptional customer service looked like, and customers weren’t always feeling the Aptive difference. These inconsistencies caused a measurable impact on the bottom line from rework and loss of referrals.

They knew this was a problem, but they didn’t have a clear idea of what was causing the issues, or how to fix it until they discovered AskNicely.

Aptive was looking for a platform that would help them understand what actually mattered to their customers, what was letting them down, and how to take action. A platform that would help them coach the frontline to consistently deliver on their service standard.

With AskNicely:

  • The entire organization is now fueled with real-time customer insights. Aptive gets real-time data on what customers actually care about.
  • Feedback is filtered straight from the customer to the frontline, motivating and empowering those who can make the biggest difference.
  • Each location receives and acts on specific feedback according to their own repeat customer base.
  • Regional and local-level managers are equipped with the power to coach for the things that need more work, and celebrate their team when things go great.
  • Frontline workers have a personalized, positive coaching tool in their pocket every day.

Aptive understands that their frontline are the ones with the power to make their customer experience awesome, and they empower them to do just that.

Being a nationwide service provider, their desk-less frontline workforce can't afford to spend time on work their customers don't find valuable. They need to be focused on all the things that matter, fine tuning the customer experience to be perfect every time, which is exactly what AskNicely helps Aptive do.

Not to mention, the platform has paid for itself within the first three months.

“Using AskNicely has transformed how we work with our field service team. We have already seen a dramatic rise in our lowest performers toward our best performers leading to a 28 point NPS increase. The rework cost we are saving alone pays for the tool and we have a lot more we can do now that we have AskNicely.” — Dane Dellenbach, Sr Director of Strategy and Innovation.

Aptive attributes their success, growth and brand recognition to their level of care and exceptional customer service. And let’s face it, that wouldn't be possible without their incredible frontline team.

When you invest in the frontline, and provide them the tools,  coaching and motivation they need to excel in their work, everybody wins.

Want to win on customer experience and see results like Aptive? We’ve got you covered. Our Guide to Winning on Customer Experience will teach how you modernize your customer experience program and connect your frontline to your bottom line.

Download your free guide today.

Pest control company, Aptive Environmental, uses AskNicely to gain insights into the customer experience and improve it.
Their team has seen a 28-point increase in NPS after transforming their approach to the customer experience.
Aptive uses AskNicely to collect real-time customer insights from customers and provide those findings to their frontline teams. 
Regional and local managers are provided with coaching to help their teams excel. 


point increase in NPS

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