Customer experience
8 min read

20 Tips for Creating a Customer-Obsessed Culture in 2020

AskNicely Team
January 24, 2023
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We're lucky to work with some of the most customer-obsessed companies in the world: brands that are quite literally investing in understanding and improving their own customers' experience. This year, we wanted to make sure we were learning from their expertise—so we added a final question to our own NPS surveys:

“What is your one tip for creating a customer-obsessed culture?”

We received some amazing responses, and we can't keep them all to ourselves! So without further ado, straight from our customers, here are 20 tips to inspire your own company culture in 2020.

1. “All feedback, positive or negative, is important. Both are equally important, so don’t forget to focus on the positives.”—Oscar Botha, bOnline

2. “Always ask the questions and don't assume you know the answers!" —Sonia Minnaar, Canopy Camping in Levin, New Zealand

3. “Learning how to have your teams (Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, Product, and Dev) stay personal at scale. Having data and insights to enrich each touchpoint is key, but hiring people who give a damn, who work together to deliver a consistent brand experience, is the cornerstone to creating a customer-obsessed culture because they put themselves into the customers’ shoes." —Scott Campbell, Figured in Auckland, New Zealand

4. “Constant contact—get dirty when fixing problems, and celebrate the victories!” —Ryan Throop, ERP Maestro in Plantation, Florida

5. “Remain in touch, always follow through, and be proactive in identifying customer issues.” —John Fuller, DLR Group

6. “Talk about it obsessively, and make NPS visible to all departments in the company.” —Sarah Moore, Act-On Software in Portland, Oregon

7. “Workflows, workflows, workflows.” —Nathan Wills, Farmside in New Zealand8. “Celebrate little wins to gain momentum.” —Maree Toa, Mainfreight in Auckland, New Zealand

9. “Get out, visit, and talk to customers. Don't just sit behind the keyboard...go see it for yourself!” —Reid Carr, Red Door Interactive in San Diego, California

10. “Love what you do.” —Penelope Hobson, Belgravia Leisure in Bayswater, Australia

11. “Constantly and consistently reinforce the importance of the customer journey, and the long-term value of creating promoters in the marketplace.” —Chad Eddy, Indium in Columbus, Ohio

12. “Always put your own people first.” —Megan Mayfield, Traction Tools in Chicago, Illinois

13. “Make customers visible. Make it clear what good looks like at this organization. Make sure leaders are singing the same song.” —Sue Cardwell, Public Trust in Auckland, New Zealand

14. “Asking questions and listening carefully to the customer’s need. Every company should make this their top priority.” —Eva Kelemen, Atlantic Therapeutics

15. “Engaging the entire organization, to keep customer feedback and experience close to front of mind.” —Nicholas Godenzi, CultureAmp in Melbourne, Australia

16. “For every customer that chooses to conduct business with you, settle for nothing less than pure delight. Remember that their business is not a right of yours, but rather a privilege.” —Brinton Lincoln, Selman & Company in Cleveland, Ohio

17. “Follow up, follow up, follow up....if a customer takes the time to tell us, we must take the time to thank them and address their concerns.” —Alana Oldfield, Paul Sadler Swimland Canada in Edmonton, Canada

18. “Make customer stories the currency of the company. Articulate every role’s impact on a customer, and connect them to their triumphs and pain via stories.” —Ryan Davidsen, Inovalon in Bowie, Maryland

19. "Create a competitive, fun environment. If you take care of your people, naturally your customers will be taken care of too!" —Dylan Perry, TalentReef in Denver, Colorado

20. “Be open to feedback.” —Fabian Garcia, Bernie Mullane Sporting Complex in Victoria, Australia

These tips come from enterprise leaders and small business owners alike, all around the globe—but they all share a commitment to putting customers first, every single day.

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