Customer feedback
8 min read

The Dos and Don'ts of Responding to Customer Feedback

AskNicely Team
July 10, 2023
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So you’re collecting customer feedback? Nice work!  Now that you have this treasure trove of insights, it's time to put it to good use. But before you jump to anything, it's essential to understand that how you respond to feedback is just as important as the feedback itself. While there is A LOT to do when it comes to responding to customer feedback, there is also a lot NOT to do. So keep reading to find out the dos and don'ts of responding to customer feedback.

The Dos:

Act Fast:

Timing is everything: the faster you respond to feedback, the happier your customers will be. Leaving feedback to fester, in particular negative feedback, allows ample time for your customers to spread negative word of mouth. By promptly acknowledging their concerns and offering a resolution, you can mitigate the negative impact and regain their trust. Remember, a quick response can prevent colossal damage to your brand's reputation.

Assign the Right Person:

To create real behavior change, ensure that the employee directly involved in the customer's experience handles both positive and negative feedback. This creates a sense of accountability, recognized them for awesome work, allows them to learn from their mistakes and inspires their next best action. When the responsible employee addresses the feedback, it adds a personal touch and increases the value of the response. By taking ownership, your employees are motivated to improve their performance, leading to better customer experiences in the future. 

Provide a Solution:

Customers seek solutions, not just apologies. Ignoring complaints or failing to offer a tangible resolution can result in lost business. Actively address the customer's concerns by providing compensatory measures, such as fixing the problem, offering discounts, or providing additional benefits. Taking proactive steps to resolve issues demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can turn a dissatisfied customer into a loyal advocate.

Use Feedback as a Learning Opportunity:

Don't let valuable feedback go to waste. Customer feedback not only helps improve the customer experience but also serves as a powerful recognition and coaching tool for your frontline teams. By connecting feedback to individual employees, you help them gain a clear picture of what they’re nailing, and what they need to work on. This also inspires genuine coaching conversations where you can ensure a pat on the back for a job well done, and detailed, data-driven guidance on how to improve. 

Look for Trends:

Customer feedback holds insights that can help you anticipate future needs and expectations. By carefully analyzing feedback data, you can identify patterns and trends, enabling you to stay one step ahead of customer preferences. Treat this process as a treasure hunt, seeking valuable insights that can drive business growth. Emphasize and amplify what your customers love the most to enhance their overall experience. 

The Don'ts:

Forget about Positive Feedback:

Ignoring positive feedback is a missed opportunity to strengthen relationships with both your employees and customers. When it comes to your team: positive customer feedback is one of the most effective ways to recognize them and reinforce positive behavior. It’s genuine, timely and connects employees to their direct impact. Additionally, following up with customers who leave positive feedback reinforces that you value their experiences and builds trust and loyalty. Plus, you can follow up with happy customers to leverage further online reviews and referrals. 

Forget about Passives:

Neutral customers, or passives, may not be fully enthusiastic about your brand… if they were a word, it would be “Meh”. However, you can turn a “Meh” into a “Woohoo!” if you take their feedback seriously. Engage with passive customers by actively addressing their feedback and committing to improving their experience in any way you can. By surpassing their expectations, you can create a positive impression that encourages them to become loyal promoters of your brand.

Be Quick to Blame:

When faced with negative feedback, resist the urge to blame individuals or specific factors within your organization. Instead, focus on understanding the bigger picture. Recognize that bad reviews may stem from factors outside of frontline employees' control or result from system-level issues. Rather than assigning blame, approach feedback as an opportunity for improvement and take a holistic view of the situation.

By implementing these dos and avoiding the don'ts, you can effectively respond to customer feedback and turn it into a catalyst for positive change. By following these guidelines and treating customer feedback as a valuable resource, you can create a customer-centric culture, foster employee growth, and continuously enhance your customer experience. 

Up Next: 10 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Seeking Customer Feedback

AskNicely Team
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