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Best time to send NPS surveys: 2024 tips & best practices

AskNicely Team
August 21, 2024
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Just like a romantic proposal or delivering a comedic punchline, timing is everything when it comes to collecting customer feedback. Even if you’ve crafted the perfect survey for all the right customers, if it’s delivered at the wrong time, customers might give up providing feedback altogether.

Net promoter score (NPS) surveys are a powerful way to measure customer loyalty, understand customer sentiment and drive business growth. Research shows that a 7-point increase in NPS can lead to a 1% increase in revenue. But the question is, when is the best time to send NPS surveys? Through our experience working with service brands around the world, across industries from healthcare to financial services, we’ve identified the most effective and impactful times in the customer journey to ask for feedback. 

Why does timing matter when sending NPS surveys?

Timing, relevance, and survey length all play crucial roles in determining the effectiveness of NPS surveys, but timing stands out as one of the most critical components. 

Strategically timing surveys to align with key moments in the customer journey enhances their value and impact. Before we dive into the best times, let's explore the significance of timing on response rates, data accuracy, and customer perceptions.

Impact on response rates

The timing of NPS surveys directly influences response rates. Customers are more likely to participate in a survey if it's sent at a meaningful point in their journey. For example, a customer who receives an NPS survey immediately after a purchase or service interaction is more likely to respond than one who is contacted days later. Timely surveys capitalize on the customer's current engagement, resulting in higher response rates.

Influence on data accuracy

Accurate data is the foundation of actionable insights, and timing plays a pivotal role in ensuring this accuracy. Surveys sent immediately after an experience capture the raw, unfiltered emotions and thoughts of the customer. This real-time feedback is invaluable, as it provides a clearer picture of the customer's true sentiment. Conversely, delayed surveys risk collecting responses influenced by external factors, leading to less reliable data. For instance, a customer may forget specific details or mix up experiences if too much time has passed.

Customer perception and experience

The timing of NPS surveys also affects how customers perceive the brand and their overall experience. A well-timed survey demonstrates that the company values the customer's opinion and is eager to act on it. This can enhance the customer's perception of the brand, fostering a sense of being heard and appreciated. On the other hand, surveys sent long after the fact can feel intrusive or irrelevant, potentially irritating the customer and diminishing their positive perception of the brand. 

What’s the best time to send NPS surveys? 

Generally, feedback collected at the point-of-experience is significantly more accurate, with research from Gartner revealing that it's 40% more accurate than feedback collected even a day later. This immediacy ensures that the responses reflect the customer's true feelings and experiences, rather than a diluted recollection.

However, determining the best time to send NPS surveys is not as straightforward as picking a specific day of the week or time of day. Instead, the optimal timing often depends on the specific interactions between customers and the brand. Various studies offer conflicting recommendations, reinforcing that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

For example, research from Checkmarket suggests that Tuesdays and Fridays have higher response rates for surveys, while SurveyMonkey found Wednesdays to be more effective. In contrast, GetResponse and Zendesk indicate that Mondays and Thursdays might be better. Mailchimp also highlights that the best time can vary based on industry and audience, making it clear that there isn't a universally "best" time for all contexts.

Industry-specific recommendations

The best time to send NPS surveys can vary significantly depending on the industry and the nature of customer interactions. Different business models and customer touchpoints influence the ideal timing, making it essential to tailor survey strategies to specific contexts.

For e-commerce businesses, where interactions are often short-term and transactional, the most effective time to send an NPS survey is immediately after a purchase or delivery. This timing captures the customer's sentiment while the experience is fresh in their mind. For instance, an online retailer might send a survey shortly after the product arrives, ensuring that the customer has had a chance to interact with the item.

In the banking industry, where relationships are typically long-term and involve ongoing use of the service, timing is crucial but more flexible. An effective strategy is to send surveys at key milestones, such as after the initial onboarding phase or following a significant online banking feature update. This approach helps gauge the customer's satisfaction with the service and any new service offerings or updates. 

The hospitality industry often deals with short-term but highly impactful experiences. Hotels, for example, might send NPS surveys immediately after a guest's stay to capture their impressions of the service, amenities, and overall experience. These timely surveys help businesses quickly identify areas for improvement and recognize staff members who have made a positive impact.

Timing based on customer lifecycle

The stage of the customer journey also plays a critical role in determining the best time to send NPS surveys. Different stages call for different approaches, ensuring that feedback is relevant and useful.

Transactional NPS surveys are ideal for capturing immediate reactions to specific interactions, such as a purchase, customer support call, or product delivery. These surveys provide insights into the quality of a particular transaction, helping businesses identify strengths and areas for improvement in their processes.

Here are some optimal times to send transactional NPS surveys:

  • Immediately after a purchase is completed: Gather insights into the buying experience.

  • Following a customer service interaction: Assess the quality of support provided.

  • After a product delivery or installation: Capture feedback on the delivery process and product quality.

  • Post-support ticket resolution: Measure satisfaction with the resolution provided.

  • Following a subscription or membership sign-up: Understand the onboarding experience.

  • After a webinar or training session: Evaluate the effectiveness and content quality.

  • Following a software or app update: Gauge satisfaction with new features or changes.

  • After a free trial period ends: Get feedback on the trial experience and potential improvements.

  • Following a cancellation or return process: Learn from customers about why they chose to cancel or return a product.

On the other hand, relationship NPS surveys focus on the broader, long-term relationship between the customer and the brand. These surveys are typically sent at regular intervals, such as quarterly or annually, and are designed to gauge overall customer loyalty and satisfaction. They are especially useful for understanding trends in customer sentiment over time and identifying long-term issues that may not be apparent in transactional surveys.

Here are some optimal times to send relational NPS surveys:

  • Quarterly or semi-annually: Regularly assess overall customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • After significant account milestones: Capture feedback after major interactions, such as a yearly review or strategy session.

  • Post-renewal or subscription anniversary: Understand customer satisfaction after renewing a contract or subscription.

  • At the end of a product life cycle: Evaluate long-term satisfaction with a product as customers transition to new solutions.

  • Following major company announcements or changes: Gauge customer sentiment in response to significant organizational changes, such as mergers or rebranding.

  • After a significant purchase or contract period: Assess long-term satisfaction with the purchased product or service.

  • Prior to upsell or cross-sell campaigns: Measure satisfaction levels to identify customers who might be receptive to additional products or services.

  • Annually, during strategic planning: Use insights to inform business strategy and customer engagement plans for the upcoming year.

  • After major project completions or implementations: Gather feedback on overall experience and outcomes from significant projects or implementations.

  • During key seasonal periods: Collect feedback during critical times for the business, such as peak seasons or annual events, to understand how customer experiences may vary throughout the year.

By considering both transactional and relationship surveys and strategically timing them based on customer interactions and lifecycle stages, you can gain a holistic view of customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

How to maximize NPS survey response rates

While timing is a crucial factor in maximizing NPS survey response rates, there are several additional strategies that can help create more effective surveys. Implementing these tips can lead to higher engagement and more valuable feedback.

Personalize the survey invitations

Personalizing survey invitations by addressing customers by name and referencing specific interactions can make the survey feel more relevant and increase the likelihood of participation. This personal touch shows customers that their individual feedback is valued.

Keep the survey short and relevant

To respect your customers' time, keep the survey concise and focus on the most relevant questions. A brief survey is less intimidating and increases the chances of completion, providing you with more actionable insights.

Send surveys at optimal times of day

Beyond timing based on customer interactions, consider sending surveys during times when customers are more likely to engage, such as after work hours or during non-peak times. This consideration helps ensure that the survey doesn't get lost in a busy inbox.

Use incentives to encourage participation

Offering incentives, such as discounts or entry into a prize draw, can motivate customers to complete the survey. While the incentive should be appealing, it should also be appropriate to avoid biasing the responses.

Follow up with non-responders

Following up with customers who haven’t responded to the initial survey can help increase response rates. A gentle reminder can prompt action, especially if it emphasizes the importance of their feedback. 

Close the feedback loop

Additionally, closing the feedback loop by responding to customers' feedback – whether good or bad,  is crucial. It shows that their input is valued and can lead to improved customer loyalty. For more on this, check out: Why do I need to respond to my customers’ feedback?

Start creating your own surveys.

Download our templates for free and create surveys to understand your customers better.

Send NPS surveys and more with AskNicely

AskNicely is an intuitive platform designed to streamline the process of collecting, analyzing, and acting on customer feedback. It's trusted by businesses worldwide to enhance customer experience and drive improvements. 

AskNicely enables users to schedule customizable email, web, or SMS surveys, allowing for seamless integration with the preferred communication channels of customers. This flexibility ensures higher response rates and more accurate feedback.

With AskNicely, businesses can centralize performance tracking, making it easy to run NPS measurement programs across multiple locations. The platform provides a unified view of customer feedback, helping service brands identify trends and areas for improvement.

AskNicely’s built-in response, escalation, and workflow management tools streamline the process of addressing customer feedback. These features ensure that every piece of feedback is acknowledged and acted upon, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

AskNicely empowers frontline teams by gamifying customer service and support. It provides real-time visibility into NPS scores and offers tactical areas for improvement, enabling teams to focus on delivering exceptional service and driving customer happiness.

AskNicely offers a wide range of integrations, making it easy to connect with your existing systems. Whether you're using CRM software, customer support tools, or marketing platforms, AskNicely’s integration capabilities ensure a seamless workflow and enhanced data utilization.

To see how AskNicely can transform your customer feedback processes and improve your NPS, book a demo today.

AskNicely Team
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AskNicely Team

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