8 min read

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Rework in Home Services

November 26, 2023
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As a home services provider, your success hinges on the satisfaction of your customers. Nothing disrupts the harmony of your operations more than rework—having to revisit a job due to customer dissatisfaction. Rework is costly, time-consuming and has the potential to majorly damage the reputation of your business. “The service was great, after I asked them to redo it” is not exactly the raving customer review you should be striving for. So how do you reduce rework, or better yet, avoid it completely? In this blog, we'll explore three simple yet powerful strategies to reduce rework and ensure your customer experience hits the mark, every time. 

1. Understand Your Customers Better

In order to ensure the level of your service and experience matches the expectations of your customers, you need to understand them, and know what matters most to them. 

This involves more than just completing a job; it's about creating a personalized and tailored experience that reflects a genuine understanding of your customers' needs and preferences. 

Start by actively listening to their concerns and expectations during the initial consultation. Take note of specific details, such as design preferences, scheduling constraints, and any unique requests. Utilize customer relationship management (CRM) tools to track and manage this information effectively. 

Additionally, encourage open communication throughout the service process, seeking real-time feedback at key milestones. Connect this feedback to the technicians delivering the service, so they can learn more about what their customers love the most about the experience, and areas they could improve on. Connecting the feedback to the frontline also means that any small issues that arise can be resolved promptly, rather than having to redo an entire service. 

By understanding your customers on a deeper level, you can exceed customer expectations, anticipate new needs and prioritize the things that matter. 

2. Empower Your Frontline Teams

Rework is the result of a frontline technician or team of technicians that have failed to do their job properly. Most of the time, this isn’t because they don’t want to do their job properly, but because they aren’t equipped with the skills, tools and personalized support they need. 

“Empower” is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but does it actually mean? To empower someone means to give them the means to achieve something is the definition from Collins Dictionary. In the context of frontline work, this goes beyond traditional CX training and extends into ongoing support, mentorship, and the tools necessary for success.

Here are some practical tips to genuinely empower you frontline technicians: 

Provide Teams with Real-Time Feedback: As mentioned above, connecting your teams to real-time feedback will help them understand what they’re nailing and what they need to work on to exceed customer expectations. Implementing a system where feedback is readily accessible allows frontline technicians to course-correct on the spot, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. For instance, if a technician receives positive feedback for exceptional problem-solving, they can replicate those actions, positively reinforcing effective behaviors. Conversely, if feedback indicates areas for improvement, immediate access allows for quick adjustments, preventing recurring issues that could lead to rework.

Celebrate Success: Recognizing achievements, whether big or small, provides positive reinforcement and motivates technicians to consistently excel in their roles. This proactive acknowledgment contributes to a sense of accomplishment and ownership, reducing the likelihood of errors and rework. Plus, it creates a work environment that employees feel proud and excited to be a part of! 

Tailor Training Programs: One size does not fit all when it comes to training. Tailor your training programs to the specific needs and strengths of individual technicians. For example, if a technician excels in technical skills but requires improvement in interpersonal communication, customize training modules to address these specific areas. This personalized approach not only enhances the technician's overall skill set but also ensures they feel supported in their professional development.

Encourage Autonomy: By entrusting your frontline to make on-the-spot decisions aligned with both customer expectations and your service standards, you foster a sense of ownership. This autonomy not only boosts confidence but also facilitates quicker problem resolution, preventing issues from escalating into full-scale rework scenarios.

3. Implement Proactive Communication Channels

Like any relationship, communication is key. By fostering transparent and open communication throughout your entire service, you can keep customers in the loop and address potential issues before they escalate, ensuring a smoother and more satisfactory customer experience.


Establish Clear Communication Protocols: Clearly define communication protocols within your team and with your customers. Ensure that everyone involved in a project is aware of the necessary channels and methods for conveying information. This includes setting expectations for regular updates, progress reports, and any changes to the initial service plan. Utilize project management tools or communication platforms to streamline these processes, making information easily accessible to all relevant parties.

Provide Timely Updates: Keep your customers informed about the status of their service in real-time. Whether it's through automated notifications, personalized messages, or a dedicated customer portal, providing timely updates builds trust and demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction. If unexpected challenges arise during a project, communicate these issues promptly, presenting potential solutions and managing expectations.

Create a Responsive Customer Support System: Establish a responsive customer support system that allows customers to reach out easily in case of concerns or queries. Provide multiple channels such as phone, email, and chat support, ensuring that customers can choose the method most convenient for them. A responsive support system not only addresses customer issues promptly but also contributes to a positive perception of your brand.

Real Life Success: Aptive Environmental 

Aptive Environmental is a real life example of what happens when you put the three strategies above to work. They are the fastest growing pest control company in the world, on a mission to disrupt their industry with superior customer experience. 

Like many home services brands, Aptive was struggling with inconsistent service delivery. Members of their frontline team had different ideas of what exceptional customer service looked like, and customers weren’t always feeling the Aptive difference. These inconsistencies caused a measurable impact on the bottom line from rework and loss of referrals. 

Aptive was looking for a platform that would help them understand what actually mattered to their customers, what was letting them down, and how to take action.

— Enter AskNicely —


  • The entire organization is now fueled with real-time customer insights. Aptive gets real-time data on what customers actually care about.

  • Feedback is filtered straight from the customer to the frontline, motivating and empowering those who can make the biggest difference.

  • Each location receives and acts on specific feedback according to their own repeat customer base.

  • Frontline technicians are celebrated for awesome work when it happens.

  • Regional and Local level managers are equipped with the power to coach for the things that need more work, and celebrate their team when things go great.

  • Frontline workers have a personalized, positive coaching tool in their pocket every day.

Read the full Aptive success story here. 

Reducing rework and elevating your customer experience doesn't have to be complex. Aptive Environmental's success story highlights the impact of understanding your customers, empowering your frontline teams, and focusing on personalized coaching and actionable insights. 

By actively listening to customer needs, providing ongoing support and mentorship to your teams, and ensuring transparent communication, you can create an environment that minimizes the chances of rework and enhances overall customer satisfaction. Remember, a satisfied customer isn't just a one-off deal but a valuable source of referrals and repeat business, laying the groundwork for the lasting success of your home services venture.

Up Next: 3 Ways Home Services Companies Can Improve the Client Experience

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