Customer feedback
8 min read

Top 10 Tips for Dealing with Negative Customer Feedback

AskNicely Team
May 9, 2024
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Feedback can be a double-edged sword. While positive feedback can boost morale and validate efforts, negative feedback can sometimes feel like a gut punch. However, negative feedback shouldn't be feared; instead, it should be embraced as an opportunity for growth and improvement. In this blog post, we'll explore ten effective strategies for dealing with negative customer feedback, helping you to transform criticism into constructive action. Let’s dive in! 

1. Foster a Feedback Friendly Culture

Firstly, you need to create an organizational culture where feedback, both the good and the bad, is welcomed and encouraged on a daily basis. When you have feedback pumping through the veins of your company (e.g on the walls, in team meetings, on the mobile devices of frontline employees), it becomes a part of everyday life – your employees understand what they’re doing an awesome job at, and the areas they need to improve on. The shared feedback creates blueprints for success, and opportunities for growth and learning. Additionally, a feedback-friendly culture promotes transparency and accountability within the organization, as employees at all levels are encouraged to actively engage with customer feedback and take ownership of driving positive change. 

2. Adopt an Open-Minded Approach 

Negative feedback should be embraced as a valuable learning opportunity rather than dreaded. Each instance of dissatisfaction or criticism provides a chance to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes. Instead of viewing negative feedback as a setback, see it as a stepping stone towards growth and innovation. 

Encourage your frontline teams to approach negative feedback with an open mind, seeking to understand the root cause of the issue and identifying actionable solutions. By reframing negative feedback as a catalyst for positive change, you empower your employees to turn challenges into opportunities and continuously strive for excellence in customer service. Remember, the most successful businesses are those that are agile and adaptive, using feedback as a guiding light to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of customer expectations. So, the next time you receive negative feedback, embrace it as a chance to learn, improve, and deliver an even better experience for your customers.

3. Define the Difference Between Constructive Criticism & Abuse

It's essential to distinguish between constructive criticism and abusive feedback to effectively address negative comments. Constructive criticism aims to provide helpful insights and suggestions for improvement, focusing on specific behaviors or actions rather than attacking the individual personally. In contrast, abusive feedback is characterized by derogatory language, insults, or personal attacks, which can be harmful and demoralizing. By educating frontline teams on how to identify and respond to both types of feedback, organizations can ensure that negative comments are handled appropriately and that employees feel supported in their efforts to address customer concerns. Additionally, establishing clear guidelines for acceptable behavior in providing feedback can help maintain a respectful and productive dialogue between customers and frontline employees.

4. Make it Real-Time

Implement systems that enable frontline employees to receive real-time feedback from customers. The longer you leave negative feedback, the more likely negative word of mouth and dissatisfaction can spread. Real-time feedback mechanisms allow frontline employees to address issues as they unfold, preventing them from escalating into larger problems. Plus, real-time feedback empowers frontline employees to take immediate action to rectify any issues, demonstrating a proactive approach to customer service, instead of the antiquated reactive method that so many service brands still rely on. 

5. Upskill Your Frontline Teams

In order to turn negative feedback into positive change, your frontline teams need to be equipped with the communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution skills necessary to address customer concerns effectively. Investing in ongoing coaching and professional development opportunities is essential to upskilling your frontline teams and ensuring they have the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their roles. Provide training sessions focused on active listening techniques, empathy-building exercises, and de-escalation strategies to help employees navigate challenging interactions with customers. Additionally, consider offering specialized training programs tailored to the unique needs of your industry or customer base, such as cultural sensitivity training or product knowledge workshops. 

6. Act Fast 

If a customer is unhappy, act fast. The influence a single unhappy customer can have in a short period of time is colossal. A social media post, negative online review and a lengthy rant at a dinner party has the potential to reach thousands of people, negatively influencing their perception and behavior towards your brand. 

On the other hand a low NPS score or some bad (unpublic) feedback is an opportunity. As soon as poor or average feedback comes through, follow up with that customer to understand what went wrong and most importantly how you can fix it in the moment. This way, feedback loops are closed internally, and you have the chance to make a life long fan out of someone who was getting ready to flame you online.

7. Promote Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing

It’s time to break down the silos! By creating structured opportunities for team members to come together, such as regular meetings, workshops, or online forums, people-powered businesses can facilitate the exchange of insights, ideas, and best practices when negative feedback arises. Encouraging frontline employees to learn from each other's experiences not only enriches their skill sets but also strengthens team cohesion and morale. 

For example, implementing a weekly meeting where managers go through a customer scenario where a frontline employee was able to successfully turn a negative experience into a positive one can be incredibly impactful. During these meetings, managers can highlight the strategies and techniques used by the employee to address the issue, emphasizing the importance of active listening, empathy, and problem-solving skills. By celebrating these success stories and recognizing the efforts of frontline employees in handling challenging situations, businesses not only reinforce a culture of continuous improvement but also inspire others to emulate positive behaviors. 

8. Celebrate Success When it Happens 

When an employee successfully resolves a customer complaint, celebrate their success! We know from phycological studies that recognition for good work releases dopamine in the brain, which creates feelings of pride and pleasure. Secondly, recognition drives productivity. That dopamine hit cements the knowledge that more of that behavior will create more praise, which motivates people to continue to achieve. 

“40% of employed Americans would put more energy into their work if they were recognized more often” — OGO. 

A survey by OGO found that the lack of recognition in the workplace dramatically impacted their productivity. If no one cares, why should I do it? - is the question looming among many unempowered frontline workers. It is the job of managers to show the frontline that they care, their customers care and the work they do makes a difference. 

9. Always Close the Loop

Always close the loop by following up with customers after their negative feedback has been addressed. This step is crucial for ensuring that customer concerns are fully resolved and that their feedback has been taken seriously. Whether it's through a personalized email, phone call, or in-person conversation, reaching out to customers demonstrates your commitment to their satisfaction and allows you to provide any necessary follow-up assistance or clarification. Closing the loop not only reinforces trust and loyalty in your brand but also provides an opportunity to gather additional feedback and insights that can inform future improvements.

10. Lead by Example

As leaders within your organization, it's essential to lead by example when it comes to embracing feedback and driving positive change. Demonstrate a commitment to openness, transparency, and accountability in your interactions with both customers and employees. Actively seek out feedback from your team members and customers, and be receptive to constructive criticism. Additionally, model the behaviors and attitudes you wish to see in your employees, such as active listening, empathy, and a willingness to learn and grow. By leading by example, you set the tone for a feedback-friendly culture and inspire others to follow suit, creating a ripple effect of positive change throughout the organization.

In summary, empowering frontline employees to turn negative feedback into positive change is essential for delivering exceptional customer service and driving business success. By investing in training, creating a feedback-friendly culture, and providing the necessary support and resources, organizations can equip frontline employees to thrive in their roles and exceed customer expectations. 

Up Next: The Role of AI in Analyzing and Acting Customer Feedback

AskNicely Team
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