8 min read

**NEW** Introducing Goals & Recognition

AskNicely Team
July 21, 2023
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We are thrilled to introduce Goals and Recognition - the first frontline worker recognition program that goes beyond powerpoints and attaboys to truly motivate the team member in instant, consistent and meaningful ways. It changes how every team thinks about customer experience, how location managers coach their teams, raises the appreciation level of the frontline teams across the company, and more. 

Better yet, it’s “flip-the-switch-simple” - most of our customers are up and reinforcing great customer experiences in a day. 

It’s a recognition program in a box.

Watch the video to see how recognition can work

Aaron Ward founded this company 8 years ago on a simple idea. The best businesses grow on a diet of happy customers who spend more over time and tell other people. It’s not hard to understand. The hard bit is helping your frontline teams deliver awesome experiences for every customer, every day. 

Our work with thousands of service businesses drove us to be the first feedback company to give feedback to the frontline in real time. We were the first to provide a customer experience KPI for every team member. And, we were the first to highlight for a frontline worker “what customers love” they could “focus on” to improve. 

Our customers started sharing stories about how a more customer-obsessed culture was actually driving better business results like increasing customer referrals by as much as 7x while actually dropping costs on training and retention of their team!  

But how? What’s the thing that great businesses do to keep their teams motivated?

Consistent recognition of the specific impact a team member is having with their customers. Positive reinforcement, no other factor mattered in comparison

Here’s where the Goals and Recognition release comes in…from the moment you flip the switch, EVERY team member has a target, can track their progress, and unlock rewards and recognition when they achieve the goal.

Know what good looks like and how you are doing.

Every frontline worker can track progress towards personal NPS goals and see the latest feedback from customers at a glance. All from their phone.

Supercharge the recognition in every location. Make your managers super coaches.

At-a-glance diagnostics to see who needs attention today and how to help them.

Create a recognition moment for every employee every month.

Catch your people doing things right with recognition for achieving monthly customer experience goals. The frontline can build status and earn rewards for delivering better and better customer experiences.

Our Customers are RAVING about it. The most common phrase is “Simple, but a game changer.”

Here’s what to do next

Want to see how Goals and Recognition drive a customer obsessed culture on your frontlines, click here to learn more and schedule a demo. 

AskNicely Team
About the author

AskNicely Team

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