If your business goal is to increase repeat business and referrals by making every customer experience awesome, you need a feedback system built to take action.
AskNicely is the best way to measure every customer experience, coach and motivate your frontline teams, and make every location perform like your best.
Customer experience is one of the most powerful ways to drive revenue growth within a business, and often the most overlooked.
From years of partnering with our customers we've learned that the businesses that achieve the greatest bottom-line results embrace these 5 principles.
You can't be there every time a customer interacts with your business, but AskNicely can. Understand where and how you're not living up to your brand promise, and fix it.
Your frontline team should be your most loyal, engaged and appreciated employees. Make frontline work awesome by engaging staff in ways that matter. Coaching is hard, we make it fun.
The best way to grow your business is to make promoters out of your existing customers. On average, company revenue increases 1% for every 7 point increase in Net Promoter Score (London School of Economics).
Other tools and processes are designed for people who sit behind desks, not the frontline. The focus has been on catching people doing things wrong, not capturing the magic when they get things right.
Time to build a genuine, customer obsessed culture? Embrace The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People-Powered Businesses.